My sister sent me a text last week literally saying “Help, I’ve been diagnosed as coeliac!”
As someone with coeliac disease for over 10 years, I thought about the practical advise I should give her….and then I had this crazy idea to set up a blog…to give her tips in a creative way and maybe help a few others along the way.
This is aimed at anyone who is removing gluten from their diet or has a gluten intolerance, not just coeliac disease.
I’ll share my gluten free replacements for everyday items, recipes that are gluten free and can be made for the whole family without them noticing any difference, restaurants that have gluten free options and gluten free survival when travelling.
My son was ten when he was diagnosed as coeliac and he has successfully got through his teenage years and settled in at university. I’ll share some tips on how he’s avoiding gluten contamination and surviving without the cheap takeaways.
If you’re just starting your gluten free journey, feel free to send questions!
Affiliate Links on this blog: From time to time you may see links to products and websites. Most of these are not affiliate links. Where I’ve used affiliate links, I’ll add a note in the blog. Any profits made from this blog will be donated to https://www.coeliac.org.uk/home/, the UK charity supporting those with coeliac disease.